Nova Scotia ノバスコッシア
Daily mean temperature in winter (Halifax): 0 to -5 degrees Celsius
Average snowfall, January (Halifax): 11 inches to 17 inches
New Brunswick ニューブランズウィック
Daily mean temperature in winter (Fredericton): -5 to -9 degrees Celsius
Average snowfall, January (Fredericton): 16 to 25 inches
Montreal モントリオール
Daily mean temperature in winter: -5 to -9 degrees Celsius
Average snowfall, January: 18 to 22 inches
Toronto トロント
Daily mean temperature in winter: -0.5 to -4 degrees Celsius
Average snowfall, January: 9.5 to 15 inches
Winnipeg ウィニペグ
Daily mean temperature in winter: -13 to -16 degrees Celsius
Average snowfall, January: 9 inches
Saskatchewan サスカッチュワン
Daily mean temperature in winter (Regina): -12 to -15 degrees Celsius
Average snowfall, January (Regina): 8 inches
Calgary カルガリー
Daily mean temperature in winter: -7 degrees Celsius
Average snowfall, January: 6 to 7 inches
Edmonton エドモントン
Daily mean temperature in winter: -9 to -10 degrees Celsius
Average snowfall, January: 6.5 to 9.5 inches
Vancouver バンクーバー
Daily mean temperature in winter: 5 degrees Celsius
Average snowfall, January: 3 to 4 inches